Friday, January 6, 2012

Catch # 10

 Yesterday afternoon proved to be a bit exciting.  It had been a very quiet slow day shift with nothing on the board (where admitted patients are written).  Then, at 3:05 the world exploded. Not literally, but we did have a patient come in wanting to push, then just a few minutes later another patient came in too!  Eventually around 5:00 a third patient was added, but that's not my story to tell.

My patient was the first one to walk in.  She was familiar with Mercy because her first baby was born there.  She did a great job laboring, then at 4:06pm her precious baby boy was born! He weighed 3650g. or about 8lbs. 1oz.  And they named him Aaron Christopher (his dad's name is Christopher).  So precious.  i was privileged to be their attending midwife.  So dear.  

Here's some pics:
sorry it's sideways.

Aaron Christopher, 3650g

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