Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Heart Hugs from Jesus

Maayong Buntag!  (Good morning)

As i was enjoying my quiet time with Jesus this morning my heart was so very blessed that it is cool.  Like, actually cool.  Hence a cup of hot tea.  Mmmm.

So, I savored the cool of the morning.  The skies are overcast and it rained most of yesterday.  Just a peaceful, constant rain.  Of course, my laundry on the back line didn't dry.  That will have to move to the front line, which is sheltered from the elements!

As I pondered the cool morning and know that this cool season may last for a while or it may change tomorrow.  In fact, it may change today as of yet.  My heart overflowed with thankfulness to my Saviour.  He loves me with a deep love, the depths of which cannot be fathomed.

 "My soul, wait silently for God alone,

         For my expectation is from Him.
  He only is my rock and my salvation;
         He is my defense; 
         I shall not be moved."

- Psalm 62: 4-5

This has become a dear Psalm to me as He is teaching me to daily seek Him in every aspect of the day.  A dear friend and I used to "meet" every other week for tea and prayer.  We did this over the phone, but we always drank tea!  She would always ask how the Lord had hugged my heart.  A fresh, the Lord is causing me to seek Him and pay attention to the "Heart Hugs" He daily gives me.  What a joy it is.  

- Had a wonderful birth
- Entered the Throne Room often to lift up patients and friends.
- Had a baby named after me.
- Was able to make it through a loong day.
- Gave everyone in class a little laugh as people popped up on Skype to chat, but we were using skype for class, therefore, I could't really chat.
- Skyped with my parents who are en route to Ecuador.

Today (as of 8:00am)
- absolutely LOVING the cool.
- filled with His joy for the day.
- Waiting with great expectation in Him.
- Had lovely Christmas emails
- Enjoying Grove Shark for some Christmas tones (usually the internet is too slow!)

This was on my heart to share with you because He is so faithful.  Even when I don't "see" it or "feel" it.  He is there.  Thankfully, I don't determine His faithfulness.  Whew.  In the midst of learning this, I sure do loose focus and am not always resting in Him, yet, He still pursues me with an indescribable passion.

Blessings to you that you might seek His face and wait on Him with great expectation.
*So, it's still warm enough for shorts, but cool enough for a jacket and hot tea! 

P.s. here is the box my brother and sister-in-law sent...well, they didn't send the current contents.  Ate Elsa is sitting in it.  She is an amazing midwife who is actually an Engineer by education and career, but now works as a midwife.  She's a HUGE blessing.

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